Mary & Reid | Hawaii Food & Travel

Have you seen the 96707 mural in front of Kapolei Commons Regal Theater? 🎨 We frequently visit @kapoleicommons and noticed the colorful, fun illustration instantly! Kapolei Commons partnered with Hawai’i-based artist, @KimSielbeck, to create a custom artwork that portrays celebrating community and togetherness. The meaning behind the art - it was inspired by kupuna, who pass on the history of Hawai'i to Keiki; hula dancers, who tell stories through dance; and musicians, who weave these stories and their own into song. Some families spend time together, making each other laugh from generation to generation; there are surfers who spend time trying to catch waves off the south shore. Kim went on to say, "By painting this mural, I hope we can come together to celebrate how wonderful it is to be surrounded by such a rich and vibrant community and to have Kapolei in Common.” #sponsored #kapoleicommons #kapoleiincommon #givealoha #ohana #96706

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