Mary & Reid | Hawaii Food & Travel

#ad How do you spend family time over the weekend? We just posted a new blog post talking about how we incorporate fun things to do as a family whether it’s staying in or going out. Before we do anything over the weekend, we like to go grocery shopping as a family and pick out a favorite snack. We’ve been trying out the @BoulderCanyon kettle chips and have been loving the delicious flavors. They recently rolled out completely new packaging that celebrates their heritage and origins in the beautiful Flatirons of Colorado, somewhere we need to travel to! While the packaging is new, the recipe is the same - real simple ingredients, cooked in clean oils with great benefits! Check out our blog post to see all of the flavors and benefits. As well as our favorite chips! Quick backstory: We bought a bag of Boulder Canyon chips a week prior to getting the email to work with the team on a campaign! We gladly accepted because it’s something we already tried and like. We say it over and over but it really is awesome how the universe works! Stay grateful!

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