The Importance of Apprenticeship in Professional Photography
Am I right or am I right? The beautiful system of apprenticing before working has truly been lost. I don’t know where I would be or how much I would’ve hurt my reputation (and my clients) if I started out just shooting for myself not knowing what on earth I was getting into. Instead I worked for another photographer for five years before going out on my own.
I get way too many messages from people, and not hating on you, but you’re scaring me, saying that they’re shooting their first wedding and they’ve never been to a wedding and they’ve never photographed a wedding with another photographer even and then asking for my advice on what gear they should bring. What gear should you bring? A trained brain that has some experience of the job you’re about to go shoot.
I get that very often people get thrown into photography jobs that they don’t necessarily want to do, or haven’t done yet, but if you’re getting paid to do a big job, especially a wedding, then you absolutely should plan accordingly, before that job, to work for another successful photographer in that field get your feet wet and gain some experience so you don’t screw up a job and your reputation. Even if it’s just once.
How do you think photographers should get into professional photography? Should it be more than just buying a nice camera?