Vanessa Joy
A wooden surface, such as a table or desk, displays various items related to photography and printing. In the center lies an open magazine named 'Rangefinder', featuring vibrant images of two smiling women, likely professional photographers or models, surrounded by flowers on its pages. Next to the magazine is a brochure or card for 'Mebamrud', which appears to offer printing services based on the text mentioning 'Quick Photo Printing'. Decorative elements like dried flowers, a ceramic mug with a colorful pattern, and a glass bottle filled with what seems to be water or a clear liquid add a warm and cozy ambiance to the scene.

Photography Magazine Feature

Always fun to stumble across a picture of me in rangefinder magazine while I'm drinking my morning coffee. :) thanks to @blackriverimaging all of you #photographers are going to get 20% off metal prints! Go to and enter code VJOYMETAL at checkout for 20% off top Metal Print sizes (16x20, 24x36 and 30x40 only). Code is valid for web orders only (not ROES). Limit one use per account. Expires 3/17/15. #wppi #wppi2015 @rfwppi

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