Vanessa Joy
A smiling young woman with long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes is posing for a headshot. She is wearing a dark navy blue, long-sleeved shirt or sweater and is holding a golden necklace with her right hand. The woman has a warm, friendly expression and is looking directly at the camera against a plain white background. Her makeup appears natural and understated, allowing her striking features to shine.

New Project Launch Sneak Peek

✨Today is a big day. ✨ I'm finally doing something big. I've been scared of failing, scared of the work, scared of the commitment and now I'm just diving in head first. #letsdothis Link in bio will give you a free posing guide that'll sign you up to get notified for when this gets launched. Work hard, then push yourself to dream bigger and work some more. Thanks to @zachgray for giving me the inspo and tools to push myself beyond my comfort zone. Thanks to @robadamsfilms for being the genius behind what's happening. Thanks to @creativelive for this super fun headshot. :) Thanks @canonusa and @dan_neri_photo for helping with camera gear. Thanks to @kajabi for making the backend easy as pie. Thanks @kleinfeldbridal @samanthaagostinomakeup @atoeevents and @ashfordestate for making this beautiful. Thanks to all the students and models for making this real! Check the stories over the next two days for BTS of what's going on!

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