Vanessa Joy
A portrait image capturing an intimate couple's moment in a scenic outdoor setting. A woman with long, flowing reddish-brown hair is gazing directly at the camera with a soft, slightly contemplative expression on her face. She is wearing a deep purple long-sleeved top. Behind her, a man can be seen, his face partially visible, resting his hand gently on her shoulder in a tender, supportive gesture. The image has a dreamy, warm, and romantic quality, with the soft lighting and slightly hazy atmosphere creating a sense of nostalgia and timelessness. The background is a sun-drenched natural landscape, suggesting a peaceful, idyllic environment.

Engagement Photo Moment

Engagement photos are a fun way to relax from all the craziness of wedding planning :-) . . . . . #justsaidyes #hefinallyasked#shesaidyes #heasked #engaged #engagedlife #isaidyes #imengaged #engagedšŸ’ #wereengaged . . . . . @shellypate @sheronda @sherrymoize @shilstonehouse @shiran_kadosh_henna @shopmakeupandsmile @shopsouthernbloom @shropshirepetals @shuttergoclick What do you think of engagement photos?

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