Vanessa Joy
The image appears to be promotional material for a wedding and portrait photography conference and expo called WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photography Conference & Expo). At the center, the name 'VANESSA JOY' is prominently displayed, likely referring to a featured speaker or presenter. Below, it announces an 'Adorama Booth Talk' titled 'PRICING YOURSELF RIGHT,' scheduled for Tuesday, March 8 at 3:00 PM at Booth 731. The background showcases a row of wedding photographs, depicting well-dressed couples posing in a traditional wedding portrait style, some kissing and others simply embracing or standing together. The setting appears to be a stylish, well-lit indoor location with large windows or doors, suggesting a upscale venue.

Encore Pricing Talk at WPPI Expo

Missed my last talk on pricing and package? There is an encore! Head to @adorama booth 731 at WPPI in a half hour to see how to set up your pricing for success! #WPPI #wppi16 #wppivegas #lasvegas #vegas #rangefinder @rfwppi #wppi2016 #breatheyourpassion #photographer #professionalphotographer #photographer #photog #education #conference #bestweekever #entreleader #adorama #adoramatv #adoramapro @adoramapro #breatheyourpassion @rfwppi

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