Vanessa Joy
A young woman is depicted performing an upward-facing dog pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) on a wooden floor, with her eyes open and an expression of strain on her face. She is dressed in black athletic attire, with her hair pulled back. The image is in black and white, creating a minimalistic and striking visual effect. The woman's body is elongated and arched gracefully, showcasing the strength and flexibility required for this yoga pose.

Being Present in Upward Dog

I look at this picture of me and it bothers me because it unforgivingly represents one of my greatest struggles: to just be and enjoy, instead of strain and push on. #Upwarddog in a #sunsalutation is a revitalizing pose that brings refreshing energy as you inhale. But if you don't inhale to enjoy it, and instead are as I am in this pose with eyes strained open and thinking about where I'll be next instead of enjoying where I am now, then you miss it. Next upward dog I do tomorrow will be with eyes closed, inhaling the moment, being there enjoying it, forgetting the past and not worrying about the future. 📸 by @moshezusman

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