The Travel Mum

Travel Packing Tips from a Full-Time Travelling Family

✈️ Travel essentials from a full-time travelling family! ✨ By travelling so often, we have really mastered exactly what we need to take, and what we can leave at home. ✨Towels are never necessary. Hotels will always have them, even the cheapest guest houses and hostels will have them available. They take up so much unnecessary room in your case. ✨Don’t pack cheap liquids! Some people say they have to check in a bag for their liquids. If you leave all the cheap things at home and buy them there, you will save money on the check in case that you no longer need. Shower gel and soap are nearly always available in your room, tooth paste is cheap to pick up anywhere - keep your limited liquid allowance for expensive things that you will decant into travel bottles (expensive shampoo / conditioner / suncream which is a lot cheaper to buy in the U.K.) ✨Excessive shoes! So many of you tell me you need 6 or 7 pairs of shoes?! We get by with a pair of flip flops, a smarter pair of sandals (these take up no room in the case) and then a “bulky” pair of shoes (heeled boots, trainers, smart shoes for the evenings) and we will wear these on the plane. If you worry about sterilising baby items abroad, cold water sterilisation tablets take up minimal space and can be put into any sort of container to sterilise your baby’s bottles / dummy etc. We always buy suncream in the U.K. and take it with us. The prices abroad are always extortionate so we save a lot of money by taking it with us in travel bottles. By packing smarter and more efficiently, you can take less items and therefore save lots of money on expensive check in luggage. Do you have more tips?! Share them in the comments! ✨ @lloydspharmacyuk

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