The Travel Mum

If you lot are calling me a cheap skate on the airport bus video (tagged it below) What do you think of this? 😆🫣 You dont need to splash out on expensive excursions to have a great time on holiday. We had an amazing day visiting lots of beaches and only spent €10 for us all on the bus. #thetravelmum #cheaptravel #lanzarote #playablancalanzarote #papagayobeach #familytraveltips #cheaptraveltips @The Travel Mum | Cheap Travel

If you lot are calling me a cheap skate on the airport bus video (tagged it below) What do you think of this? 😆🫣 You dont need to splash out on expensive excursions to have a great time on holiday. We had an amazing day visiting lots of beaches and only spent €10 for us all on the bus. #thetravelmum #cheaptravel #lanzarote #playablancalanzarote #papagayobeach #familytraveltips #cheaptraveltips @The Travel Mum | Cheap Travel

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