The Travel Mum

Cheap Summer Holidays for Unvaccinated: COVID Travel Tips

✨ If you are unvaccinated and want a cheap summer holiday to somewhere like France or Spain, it is now really cheap and easy to get a negative test for entry. We recommend Qured as they are reliable, great value plus we have a 15% off discount code for you to use (TRAVELMUM15) making an antigen test less than £12 with delivery. This is often cheaper than paying for a more expensive holiday destination to somewhere like Greece, which may not have entry requirements, but does have more expensive flights and hotels ✨ #thetravelmum #qured #traveltips #cheaptravel #covidtravel #ᴜɴᴠᴀᴄᴄɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ #ᴜɴᴠᴀxxed

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