The Porch Boise
A maroon and gold-colored poster design featuring a quote attributed to Todd Wagner. The background is predominantly maroon, with large, bold yellow text spelling out 'SEVEN' twice, once at the top and once at the bottom, creating a framing effect. In the center, there's a rectangular box with white text on a maroon background. The quote reads: 'The enemy calls you by your sin. God calls you by your name.' Below the quote is the attribution '- Todd Wagner'. The words 'DEADLY SINS' appear at the top in smaller yellow text, suggesting this is part of a series or discussion about the seven deadly sins.

God Calls You by Your Name

The enemy calls you by your sin, God calls you by your name. - Todd Wagner The enemy plants lies in our head, God plants the truth. If you have questions about a relationship with Jesus, recently surrendered your life to Jesus, or have any prayer requests, let us know in the link in our bio!

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