The Blumes
An hourly weather forecast for Atlanta, GA, displaying temperature, precipitation chances, wind speed and direction, and cloud cover conditions from 12 PM to 4 PM. The temperatures range from 39°F at 12 PM to 41°F at 4 PM. There is no precipitation expected during this time period, with wind speeds ranging from 8 MPH at 12 PM to 10 MPH at 4 PM, blowing from the northwest. The sky conditions show a mix of sun and clouds, with a sun icon indicating clear skies early in the day and a cloud icon later in the afternoon.

Overreaction to Mild Winter Weather in Atlanta

Just wow. THIS is what we closed schools and businesses for today?? THIS merited runs on the grocery store and an official "state of emergency" declared by our governor?? Hahahaha! Gotta love #winterintheSouth. Another sunny day in #Atlanta! Looks like we'll still make #WPPI2015 after all!

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