The Blumes
A magazine cover titled 'SHUTTER Magazine' features a large, soft, and textured image of a white rose as the main focal point. The rose appears to be a close-up, detailed shot, with its delicate petals unfurled and radiating outwards. The text 'The Wedding Edition' is prominently displayed, suggesting that this issue of the magazine is dedicated to wedding photography. On the right side, a section titled 'Ethnic Weddings 101' features a headshot of a woman with traditional Indian bridal makeup and jewelry, including a nose ring and intricate designs on her face. Below her photo is a portrait of a man with a caption indicating he is 'THE AUTHOR'. The layout suggests this issue covers topics related to photographing diverse cultural wedding ceremonies.

Ethnic Wedding Photography Tips in Shutter Magazine

So you want to shoot ethnic weddings?! Then you likely have a ton of questions (or you should). How do I market, deal with cultural misunderstandings, or just create awesome images without offending anyone? We've got answers: Read my ARTICLE + VIDEO in this month's free issue of #ShutterMagazine. Connect via the blog!

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