Reclaiming Wonders
A thermometer or temperature gauge is prominently displayed in the foreground of the image. The gauge has a circular dial with a blue background and white markings indicating temperature ranges from -60 to 130 degrees. The red needle on the dial points to a temperature reading of approximately 100 degrees. The gauge is set against a backdrop of muted tones, with a curved, metallic-looking surface underneath it. The overall scene has an industrial or mechanical aesthetic.

Scorching Las Vegas Heat

Can you read that temp? The guide at #hooverdam said that it tends to be about ten degrees hotter here than the nearby town. However, the car still read 108 as we drove into Vegas. . C asked the other night if anyone actually lives here. And Iā€™m really starting to wonder why... In more ways than one. . My expert Wikipedia showed me stats of population. The town has about quadrupled in population since 1980. Lots of people live here. More than half a million of them! . #travelwithkids #familytravel #

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