Relaxed Homeschooling Family Life
The answer: everywhere.
The question: Where do you “do school” at home? It seems to be one of the first questions new homeschoolers ask.
Embrace the possibility of being at home. Cozy chair. Cuddled with brother. Laying upside down. Tent. Porch. The park. Together.
Let them be how they would normally be at any other time if they were at home.
Don’t try to turn your house into a school because it isn’t a school. It’s a home. Live it up. In your PJs, sleeping until 10, barefoot... No one is looking. And, if they are, it isn’t their business anyway. ;)
The only “rules” about how this should look are those we self impose by comparing ourselves to everyone else and to how we “think” their perfect little world runs. We (ahem “I”) have to stop listening to that little voice telling you you’re doing it wrong and just be your family and their Momma. And support each other along the way!