Reclaiming Wonders
A young boy with blonde hair is gleefully smiling and posing for the camera while wearing a blue and red Cub Scout uniform with patches. He is holding a spiral notebook or binder, likely related to his Cub Scout activities. His face is adorned with colorful paint marks or stickers, adding a playful touch to the image. The background appears to be a plain indoor setting, allowing the focus to remain on the cheerful and proud young Cub Scout.

Proud New Cub Scout

Sometimes you have to settle for the best you can get when you send Daddy with the new Cub Scout. We'll work on his picture skills. Cooper has been doing cub scouts for about a month now and walked right in like he belonged. He has informed me that he will be doing it until he leaves for college. Actually so we'll see how that pans out. He's usually a hesitant kid who wants to hang back but not with this. And pretty studly in his uniform!

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