Reclaiming Wonders

Let Kids Take Risks and Be Brave

Why are my kids not taking risks? Trying new things? “Brave”?😬🛝🤿 👉Because their parents have said “be careful” or “watch out” their entire life. Take them to the lake. And let them take risks. Kids will take way more risks than you want them to. From birth. It’s how they figure out their world. 🛑And if Mom tells them everything has the potential to hurt them, why would they ever try? 👀You know who else is watching big brother try something “scary”? The younger kids. They’re learning from him and your warnings. Of note, this Mom has to push herself in hopes that the kids will see bravery in me too. I don’t rope swing - I don’t like getting soaked or going fast or falling or everyone watching me… 👉But I’m not going to keep them from having the time of their life. And seeing how proud they are. And how their confidence grows. So, yes, I snorkel with them. But man, I’m still not a fan. But I’m always glad I pushed myself. ❓If grown ups wish they were more brave… wishing to push the limits… wanting something “bigger”… 👉Why are we taking it away from our kids? . . . 😉Share this in your stories. Maybe “that” friend will get the hint.… Maybe. . . . 💾And take a kayak trip down the Chaz in Crystal River, Florida. Then you can swing into the spring … or maybe just the kids. @discovercrystalriver 📸May 2021 . . .

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