Reclaiming Wonders
A cozy, intimate scene depicts two young children relaxing in a hammock outdoors. The older sibling, a girl with long blonde hair tied back, is wearing a vibrant pink shirt. She is leaning over and appears to be helping her younger brother, a toddler boy with wispy blonde hair, work on a reading workbook placed on the hammock in front of them. Stuffed animal toys, including a plush duck, can be seen scattered around them. The hammock is suspended by a sturdy frame made of wooden beams, suggesting they are in a backyard or garden area. The overall atmosphere conveys a sense of warmth, nurturing, and the joy of learning through play.

Homeschooling Moments: Reading in the Hammock

Sun out. Hammock relaxing. My Finally-getting-it-reader helping her little just-thinking-about-reading little brother do his reading workbook. . . Here’s to homeschooling. Where’s it’s okay to ignore the school tradition of pushing reading... and I can wait until she’s fully ready... on her schedule. My kids seem to “get it” about the second half of second grade. Let them walk when they’re ready to walk... on their schedule. . . My one porch school house as taught by my eight year old student teacher ;). I’ll just sit and read my book... . . And teach them to love reading while I love my reading.

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