Reclaiming Wonders
A vibrant collection of four images depicting various scenes. The top left image showcases a cheerful young girl with blonde hair standing amidst a vast array of pumpkins in what appears to be a farmer's market setting. The top right image features a tempting spread of fried foods, including what looks like hush puppies or fritters, accompanied by a sauce, on a baking sheet. The bottom left image captures a scenic view of a city skyline with tall buildings in the distance and a person playing frisbee on a grassy park. The bottom right image presents a tree-lined path in a tranquil park, with pedestrians strolling along the walkway, surrounded by lush greenery.

Farmer's Market and Park Adventure

Bicentennial Park. Seriously, let's be more creative with our names. It's confusing. Farmer's market that made me very jealous to not have a daily one at home with really cheap produce. Pride when the kids saw "gardens of Babylon" and got the reference from learning the 7 wonders with CC. We sprang and decided that bbq would be a lot better then our pb picnics. And boy was it! We gorged ourself. I had taco grits with pork on top with zucchini and corn casserole. Mmmm. More frisbee. Walk around history. Cool earth floating globe- Meg very proud to point out Red Sea and Persian Gulf as the other parts kept floating away. We were the only ones "playing". Hope we didn't offend.

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