Reclaiming Wonders

Embracing Self-Directed Learning

“Well, I didn’t loathe math time with you as much today as usual,” as she snarkily smiles at me. I call that a success? And that maybe Sal Kahn will teach all math lessons from here on out? ;) . . First year of Classical Conversations Challenge for 7th grade has been a challenge for this mom trying to be okay with not doing it like everyone else. We’ve never done school like everyone else, so I don’t know why I am surprised. . . She loves research and writing papers. But she dives in deep for several hours while neglecting Latin and math - in all honesty, we didn’t do math for a couple of weeks because I was tired of fighting it. . . But there’s a daily schedule recommended for CC. Stuff she’s “supposed to do” every day. However, deep dives are when she’s learning willingly and enjoying the process and writing awesome papers... and loving learning for learning’s sake... and... . . Isn’t that the purpose of education? Raising lifelong learners? Not just producing kids whose mothers value schedule over true learning? . . So here’s to continuing to buck the system. Even if it’s systems I put in place ;) And to big kids who spend several hours painting an octopus for her science presentation with her typed, edited, and longer-than-needed paper ready to go for class. . . Reminder to self: Hands off, Mom. Let her learn.

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