Reclaiming Wonders
A brown and black butterfly with intricate patterns on its wings is perched on a vibrant red and orange fabric or plastic surface. The butterfly's wings are spread open, revealing their beautiful markings. In the background, there are blurred colors of blue, yellow, and white, hinting at playground equipment or other outdoor scenes. A piece of banana or another pale yellow food item is visible in the foreground, suggesting the butterfly may be feeding or attracted to it. The vivid colors and sharp focus on the butterfly create a lively and captivating scene.

Butterfly Enjoying Nature's Bounty

"Sometimes I need to stand only wherever I am to be blessed." A quote I read recently that I've been hearing repeatedly in my head. Just sit. Enjoy the kids playing in the grass at the rest stop watching birds, checking out mushrooms, and flipping over bars at the playground. Listen to the birds. Share a Banana with the butterflies that keep coming by. God made this all for us. We just have to be still and quiet enough to see it for how amazing it all is. It's a shame it took schooling my own kids to open my eyes to the world around me... note: butterfly likes the Banana over the orange. Have you drunk your Banana juice today? ;)

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