Rebe Explores

Embracing Self-Love and Healing Journey

The truth is I actually have a ton of support in my life. But I’m finally truly understanding the concept of self-love, reparenting, self-talk and being my own biggest cheerleader. It’s been a wild ride lately. I was revisiting past traumas and dealing with infertility at the same time. I found myself running from those feelings instead of working through them. I truly believe that manifested into physical illness where I needed surgery for 2 different things just 2 months apart. It was kinda like my body telling me I needed to reset. I’m taking it slower, walking, hiking again, being very protective of my weekends/leisure time, doing gentle movement and realllllyyy listening and feeling into what I need. I don’t have any big glorious, wise ending because it’s all an ongoing process, as it should be. I’m not something broken that needs to be worked on constantly and fixed and neither are you 😘✨

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