Nash Hagen

Staying Motivated Through Adversity

What keeps me motivated 👇 😭 I know what it’s like to be on the brink of not making rent 😭 I know what it’s like to have a dream that I want to make reality so desperately, but the pieces feel like they’re not coming together. 😭 I know what it’s like to see others around me that had a similar dream drop out for a more “logical” career. But here’s what keeps me motivated. The story 🔥 When I was 8 years old I told myself that I want to tell stories for a living. That has looked different throughout my life. At first I wanted to be a movie director, then a Pixar animator, then a DP, then a travel creator, but the goal was always the same. Tell an amazing story. But here’s the funny part. We want to have an amazing story to tell, but we want to skip everything that makes it interesting. A story without drama is bland and boring. Like imagine if in Rocky Balboa he started the movie as an absolute legend that beat everyone. Would you want to watch that movie? Probably not. You watch it to see the come up, and the come up requires trials. Throughout my life I have tried to find the path most people won’t take because it’s too hard. And it’s the feeling of overcoming that goal that really keeps me motivated. To prove to myself more than anything that it can be done. And by extension, hopefully proving to others with similar aspirations that it can be done as well. The goal is the story. Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙

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