The Importance of Genuine Kindness
So I was talking with a few friends yesterday about this verse in Acts that says “The islanders showed us unusual kindness.” And found the term “unusual kindness” quite intriguing.
Why is kindness unusual? Is the world really that cold?
Then I realized, most kindness is done with ulterior motives. People do charity work for tax write offs, give good service in hopes of a fat tip etc. then it got me thinking, do people still do random acts of kindness just to be nice. Do we treat people well even if there’s nothing in it for us?
It’s definitely a reality check that we need to take head on. When’s the last time you helped someone out just because you are both human with no other motives? Been a while? Cool let’s play a game.
Go do one random act of kindness and make someone’s day. If you want to take it even a step further, do it for someone that is very different from you (age, race, social status, etc.) then come back and tell us about it here.
I’m stoked to hear some inspiring stories of people helping people! Let’s reverse unusual kindness to everyday behavior.
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙 •