The Beauty of the Real
Good and real have become disposable because fake and perfect appear achievable. -
In a social media driven world where everything is airbrushed and posed, it’s hard to determine what’s actually real anymore. If you were to base your perception of reality off of so-called “influencers” it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that life is perfect, bodies are perfect, relationships are perfect, etc. and that it’s achievable for us. What you don’t see is the amount of work that was put in to create the “perfect” illusion. -
The problem is that we base our expectations for ourselves off of a fake perception of reality, so when something good or even great comes by, but has a few flaws, we turn it down thinking there must be something better. -
Good and real is ALWAYS better than fake and “perfect”. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -