Seize Life's Purpose: Defy the Odds
1 in 4 million... the odds of you getting bit by a shark, yet we still go in the ocean. -
1 in 1.6 million... the odds of being hit by an asteroid, yet we still walk outside. -
1 in 8000... the odds of you dying in a car crash, yet we still get on the road. -
1 in 400 trillion... the odds of you actually existing, yet many of us continue to wonder if our life is worth living. -
You being born is an absolute miracle and it wasn’t on accident. Every one of us was put on this earth for a specific purpose, yet so many of us continue to do things that we find mundane or unfulfilling with the majority of our life! Why? -
Your life is a blessing! Take advantage of the little time you have on this earth. You are here for a purpose. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -