When I first started photography I sent over 100 reach out messages and got rejected by every single one… this is what I learned! 1. Fear was the greatest thing that held me back. Everything you want in life is on the other side of a few rejections. Getting a yes isn’t a win and no is a loss. When you reach out you can’t lose. If someone says no, you’re still in the same place. You didn’t get a deal. But if you reach out you give yourself the opportunity for them to say yes. Either you win or you learn. 2. Nobody cares about your experience. I was leading with me. Talking about myself, my experience, why they should hire me and I came off desperate. Nobody wants to hire someone who’s desperate. Brands are attracted when you show how you specifically can help them solve a real problem they have. They get enough copy and paste emails. You have to stand out. 3. Sometimes you have to reach rock bottom to spring up. When I got rejected by over 100 companies, the only option was to quit or get better. I knew this was what I wanted to do and if I didn’t change something I’d continue getting the same results. So I changed my approach, I learned from others and now I work with some of the top travel companies in the entire world. You’re gonna wanna save this one! 📲 Follow @nashhagen (that’s me) for more creative business tips 🎥 #creativebusiness #videobusiness #videographer #contentcreator #creatorbusiness