Intelligent Education for Freedom
No society wants you to be intelligent. -
This may come at a shock to a lot of you. Especially the ones who’ve grown up in a place like America where education is highly valued, but when you think about it, intelligence sparks revolt. -
The thing is there’s a difference between traditional education and intelligence training. -
The traditional school system in America was founded by John D Rockefeller in 1903. Prior to this, there were schools, but the majority of a child’s learning was done through their parents and mentors. The school system was founded to train kids to follow the rules and work well in a factory or corporate setting. -
That’s why you have things like bells telling you when to leave, monotonously times periods, a day similar to an 8 hr work day, and of course, performance evaluations.
They introduced the concept of grades to tell you how “smart” you were and people who didn’t match up were put in special ed classes. -
The school system has done an incredible job of training robots to do what they’re told, when they’re told without question, but it begs the question, are we just educating slaves? -
Real education comes from questioning the status quo, not abiding by it. In my opinion, the best way to learn is to do it and fail. Learn from your mistakes and try it again. -
Don’t allow societies dumbed down education system to brainwash you into a mindless existence. Read, listen to podcasts, watch seminars, buy courses. The internet breaks all barriers. You can literally learn anything (a good majority of it is free). -
Society would rather you didn’t do any of that and subscribe to their preset system to fit perfectly into their machine. But there’s no freedom in that. True education and action is freedom.
You either don’t know or you don’t care. Now you know, so what are you gonna do about it? -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙