Finding Soul Satisfaction
A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb; but to a hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet. -
I read this proverb the other day and it hit me. You know when you go to a buffet and you stuff yourself so much that you feel like you’re going to burst, and then someone offers you a desert. Even though it tastes so good, you can’t stand the thought of eating it. On the other hand if you haven’t eaten for a few days, literally anything will be better than nothing. -
If your soul is satisfied, you won’t crave the temptations of the world. Of course you may be tempted every once in a while but things like money, sex, alcohol, attention, etc. become things you don’t even want to pursue. -
On the other hand if you’re soul is starving, you will likely seek these sour “bandaids” to fulfill only that which a relationship with God can fill. -
If you are searching for meaning, know that you were created by God for a purpose. You don’t have to starve and live for the next dopamine rush. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -