Kym Wylder

First Solo Sailing Adventure

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a sailor. For years, I’ve sailed as a passenger around Alaska, the Vancouver islands, the Puget Sound and Lake Union, but never at the helm or trimming the sails myself. This year, @sea2summitexplorer and I got our own sailboat and are taking to the waters learning along with friends and YouTube. This was our first time captaining the Sound. Accompanying @devinkahle on his new vessel, we successfully sailed around Seattle, West Seattle, and Ballard, AND picked up a package using man overboard drills to uncover 8 perfectly packaged and preserved Italian king sized pillows that had fallen overboard a shipping container. PIRATE BOOTY SCORE! Lol. Thanks to my @Stio Jacket, I’ve managed to stay warm this unusually cold spring sailing the Sound and Lake Union. Here’s a link to $50 off yours They come in all different colors and are the softest down jackets I’ve ever worn in addition to being warm and cozy. #stioaffiliate #lettheoutsidein #sailboatlife #liveaboardlife #travelhappy #discovertheglobe #lifeonthewater #sailaway #instasail #saltylife #travelwithus #boatlife⚓️

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