Finding the Thrill of Discovery
Giddy up, let’s go back out to the middle of nowhere and see what we find.
I don’t post exact coordinates to places or directions on how to recreate my experiences. I probably never will. Because that’s not the point. I want you to experience the joy of true discovery, of the quest, the exploration. Life is not meant to be lived like a McDiscovery fast food version where you copy and paste someone else’s adventure expecting to get the same thrill those who explored to find it, did. (Word of mouth is the exception, that’s part of the adventure, talking with people to share it IRL).
You should know, the people who don’t give away the spots, only the inspiration, are trying to give you the point of it all. a taste of the real adventure and work of finding it for yourself.
The joy isn’t hiding in the going, it’s in the finding and all the work it takes. Nothing that comes easy is appreciated. Multiply that 10x for travel and adventures.