Kym Wylder

Embracing Inner Growth

POV: You spent the last five years consciously doing the inner work. Immersed in nature, you slowed down, read everything you previously never had time for, and learned hobbies and skills that used to scare and intimidate you. You healed your past, body, and mind, becoming whole. You leaned into fear to expand your comfort zone, unlearned conditioning that wasn’t meant for you, and spent time with people you enjoy. You treated most days like a wild chance for discovery, grew stronger, lived in integrity, finally felt safe to be, and experienced each place you visited with such presence and awareness of the magic around you that it completely changed the way you think. Now what? Now you’re free to do what you came here for. Free 📍 Baja, Mexico 👙 @londrebodywear - code WYLDER15 for discount 🎥: @camiloexplore this was the saltiest water I’ve ever been able to float in. It felt healing, pure, and like being held by the earth, Gaia. Core memory moment.

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