Easter Candy Math Fun
Use leftover Easter candy for some Easter Math Fun!
For our Easter math games, we used jelly beans with preschoolers and younger elementary kids. You can also use beads or raisins, or any small objects (just make sure you are supervising this activity).
This can also translate into fun for older kids, using jelly beans for algebra, and even making a candy version of the game Mancala!
Skip Counting is the beginning of understanding multiplication. Kids can skip count their multiplication facts, creating a physical times table so that they can see the quantities. By counting out the colors, i.e., 3 x 3 is three groups of 3 each, making nine beans in the cup. Use an egg carton lid to organize your counting!
Multiplication Facts are easy to “get” when kids can “see” the groups. Kids can discover what 5 x4 is by creating 4 groups of 5, and then counting out the number of beans that they collect. Use Easter Egg containers, or even left over plastic eggs, to help kids “group” the beans.
Division seems to be a harder concept. Count out a pile of beans, i.e. 21 beans, and ask kids to split them equally into the three containers. After they split the beans up, discuss how 7×3=21 and 21/3 = 7.
Math seems more real, and even fun, when kids are able to tangibly touch and play with the concepts. A bonus is the candy reward, at the end!