Kids Activities
The image depicts a lively and educational outdoor activity for children. In the foreground, a young boy wearing a bright green shirt and striped shorts gleefully holds a soda bottle upright with both hands, his face beaming with excitement. A fountain of bubbly liquid erupts from the bottle's opening, creating a captivating display. Adjacent to him, another child sits on the ground, observing the spectacle with curiosity. In the background, a girl with long blonde hair watches the unfolding event, seemingly intrigued by the fizzy commotion. The scene unfolds on a paved surface, possibly a sidewalk or playground area, with a grassy patch visible in the background.

Soda and Mentos Rocket Science Fun

SODA ROCKETS - Because what kid doesn't love to watch something explode? It's educational and so much fun! ⁠ ⁠ Supplies:⁠ 2 liter diet soda⁠ Mentos peppermints⁠ ⁠ Instructions:⁠ We gave each child three mints and had them drop the mints into a bottle of soda.⁠ ⁠ The reaction causes a rocket of soda to jet out of the bottle!⁠ ⁠ Teach kids about the science behind the reaction! Very simply put: Soda has carbon dioxide in it - that's what makes it bubbly! The rough surface of the Mentos breaks the bonds between the carbon dioxide and water which creates bubbles and makes it erupt! Isn't Science cool?! Do your own research to get more in depth!

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