Kids Activities
The image depicts two hands engaged in a creative activity, drawing or tracing shapes on paper or cardboard surfaces. One hand is using a black marker to trace a curved, fish-like shape on a blue surface, likely a clipboard or folder. The other hand has completed a similar curved shape, resembling a stylized fish or wave, on an orange-colored paper or cardboard surface. The surfaces are stained with what appears to be spilled or splattered paint or markers in various colors, suggesting an ongoing artistic or crafting project. The background shows a cluttered surface with various supplies and materials scattered around.

Kid Decorated Pencil Pouch DIY

They are going to do it anyways, so why not let them decorate their school supplies before they go so they can listen to Teacher! Search "KID DECORATED PENCIL POUCH" to find this activity on our blog. Search "KID DECORATED PENCIL POUCH" to find this activity on our blog.

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