Kids Activities
The image depicts colorful Easter eggs next to a mound of translucent green slime in a pink plastic container. The eggs are orange, blue, and purple in color, with a shiny, glossy finish. The green slime looks gelatinous and sparkly, containing tiny shimmering particles that catch the light. The image appears to be promoting a DIY activity for children involving making slime and dyeing Easter eggs, creating a messy but fun sensory experience.

Slime-Filled Easter Eggs DIY for Kids

Kids will love opening eggs to find it filled with oozy smile they won’t miss the cavities—oops we mean candy! 😉 #Kidsactivitiesblog #kbn #kbnmoms #Diy #homemade #Crafty #craftymom #sensoryplay #slime #easteregg #funforkids #kidsparty #kidsfun #parenting101 #parentingtips 【LCX x Kanahei’s Small animals:賞櫻樂悠遊】 傻吓傻吓嘅「粉紅兔兔」! 日本櫻花預計3月下旬盛開,而LCX的櫻花已經準備就緒。今年復活節,LCX搵黎日本同台灣人氣高企既Kanahei’s Small animals同大家一齊賞櫻🌸🌸。主角" P助"同"粉紅兔兔"會帶埋一眾好友嚟LCX野餐🍙🍹🍩,粉絲千其唔好錯過同佢哋見面既機會喇! 日期:即日至2016年3月31日 時間:10:00 - 22:00 地點:尖沙咀海運大廈三階LCX ‪#LCX‬ ‪#香港人遊香港活動‬ ‪#尖沙咀‬ ‪#海運大廈‬ ‪#賞櫻‬ ‪#hkppltravel‬ ‪#hkpevent‬ ‪#hkevent‬

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