Kids Activities
A rustic, homemade bird feeder made from a large pinecone is suspended by a string or twine. The pinecone has been coated in a thick layer of peanut butter and then rolled in bird seed, creating a textured, speckled surface. The bird seed sticks to the peanut butter, forming a dense covering over the entirety of the pinecone. The natural, earthy tones of the pinecone and bird seed blend together, creating a visually appealing and inviting treat for feathered visitors. This handcrafted bird feeder is likely hung outdoors in a garden or backyard setting, ready to attract and nourish a variety of wild birds.

DIY Pinecone Bird Feeder Craft

Pinecone Bird feeder Craft is fun for all ages!⁣ ⁣ Supplies:⁣ Pinecone (we used large pine cones, but you can use any size)⁣ Peanut butter⁣ Bird seed⁣ String, twine, wire⁣ ⁣ Directions:⁣ The first thing you want to do is tie the string, twine or wire to the pine cone before you begin. Leave a long enough piece at the top so you can hang the pine cone bird feeder later.⁣ ⁣ Next, cover the pine cone in peanut butter. A thicker peanut butter works better here so it will adhere to the pine cone better. A preschooler should be able to do this step with very little, if any, help.⁣ ⁣ Now, coat the peanut butter in bird seed. We rolled our pine cone in a dish filled with peanut butter and poured bird seed on as well. We then patted the bird seed in to ensure it would all stick well.⁣ ⁣ Finally, find a place to hang your Pine Cone Bird Feeder outside. If you have neighborhood cats, then you’ll want to find a high enough place that makes it harder for them to snatch any hungry birds. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣

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