Joanna Kalafatis
A woman wearing a blue shirt with a rose logo is seated on an airplane. She has put on a transparent protective face shield over her surgical mask as an extra precaution against COVID-19. Through the window, the interior of an aircraft cabin can be seen, including a row of seats and the window frame. The woman's face is partially obscured by the shield and mask, but her eyes and hair are visible, suggesting she is taking necessary safety measures for air travel during the ongoing pandemic.

Man, I had forgotten how glamorous travel is. •• Made the decision to board a plane after 8 months of being grounded in order to see family. •• It’s weirdly familiar to go through the mind numbing routine of check in and security, while also undoubtedly being reminded every so often, via announcements about social distancing, blocked off seats, and the ubiquitous masks, that we are still in the middle of a pandemic. •• Still so strange to comprehend how something none of us had heard of before the New Year has thrown off our entire world. Stay safe everyone! . . . . .

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