Joanna Kalafatis

This was taken about this time last year, and I used this photo to talk about my excitement for 2020. We DIDN’T. Know. That being said, I don’t even know where to start for this year. I feel I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes since this photo. I got to visit one of my best friends and see incredible places and countries, then come back to the US in time for a few hangouts and a lockdown. But along the way bonded even closer with people, and somehow made new friends in quarantine. Lost some professional opportunities while other unexpected ones came along. Took forward steps I didn’t expect thanks to incredible support and encouragement. Was lucky enough to be able to spend at least some time with family and in my other home of Greece. Had moments of utter despair about, and some growing hope about this country, and it’s ongoing struggles to be a better version of itself. Came together with friends and strangers in protests and in expressing our discontent through our votes. Had Zoe come into my life, along with five surprise puppies, and change it forever. Saw dear friends get married over Zoom, had the incredible honor of becoming a godmother. Its all been done in very difficult times, but I honestly can’t say I hated all of 2020. That being said, I say that knowing I have the immense luck and privilege of getting through this year financially and mentally intact. And while having a lot of people I know affected, of not losing anyone very close to me to this disease. My heart goes out to anyone who experienced loss and devastation in 2020. This year was challenging for everyone. But we must keep in mind that for some people, it was catastrophically, life changingly, unbelievably hard, more so than others. So let’s be there for one another, and for those of us who were a little bit luckier, let’s help out where we can. Here’s to the light at the end of the tunnel and a brighter 2021 🙌🏼 #2020 #newyears #newyearseve #2021

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