Merry Christmas, even if it doesn’t feel quite the same… 🤍🎄
The end of year holidays can be one of the most beautiful, yet challenging times—with the past year coming into clear focus, and all that we have experienced, whether that be achievements, loss or both, coming back to the surface in a rush of emotion. There is often grief that comes with the changes we have experienced, whether it comes from a significant loss, or something simpler that no longer serves us and we’re letting go.
Embracing this grief and change, and the pain that can come with it can feel quite scary, but I promise you it will fade with time and the more accept and love it, the clearer your path towards finding your way through it will be.
So if the holidays feel different this year, I hope you can find the space to embrace the change that’s happened, stay open to the beauty of how things are no matter what that looks like and love the person you are becoming. Be gentle with yourself, I believe in you.🤍
Poem by: @whitneyhansonpoetry
#christmas #holidaysÂ