#ad There are few things I love more than road-tripping, being outside, and seeing new places, but the traveling lifestyle does leave an impact. The impact of using fossil fuels on the environment has made me think a lot more about carbon emissions and what I can do to reduce mine while on the road. This is where @POETbiofuels comes in, with the production of bioethanol. Unleaded 88 is a biofuel blend containing 15% plant-based bioethanol and 85% gasoline that burns cleaner than traditional gas and can be used in all vehicles 2001 or newer. Using biofuels like bioethanol is a simple step we can all take towards reducing our carbon footprint every day. If we push towards transitioning to vehicles using even higher blends of bioethanol, like E30 and above, we can significantly reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels and take an even bigger step towards using renewable, clean energy across the spectrum. Getting automotive producers and fuel retailers to increasingly provide more biofuel options will take some work, so thatâs why we need to use it and demand more of this renewable, Earth-friendly fuel! So what can we do in the meantime to be eco-conscious? Some of the things I'll be doing myself are continuing to recycle, use reusable bags and food storage items, buy from environmentally conscious and sustainable brands and reduce my overall waste. I'm also very excited to use bioethanol whenever possible while on future road trips! I nominate @hayworthdesign, @vasiofficial and @huwsgarden to join me in living #EarthDayEveryDay! What about you? What eco-conscious choices are you, or will you be making? I'd love to hear and talk about how we can work on this together! #GetBiofuel #BioIsBetter Visit the link in my bio to learn more.