Jessie on a Journey
The image contains three photographs arranged vertically, accompanied by a quote attributed to Anthony Bourdain. The top photograph depicts a person wearing a backpack and hiking gear, standing in a mountainous landscape with rolling hills and a distant valley or gorge visible. The middle photograph showcases a scenic view of a mountain ridge or peak, lush with vibrant vegetation in the foreground, likely taken from a hiking trail. The bottom photograph captures a majestic, snow-capped mountain peak against a blue sky, highlighting the grandeur and beauty of nature. The quote below the photographs reads: 'Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's okay. -Anthony Bourdain'

The Reality of Travel Experiences

Despite what the picture perfect photos of Instagram may lead you to believe, this quote is so true. ❤️ Photos taken in Kerala, India. 📸 ___ * * *

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