Jessie on a Journey

Scooter Snorkeling in Antigua

Have you ever heard of *scooter snorkeling*? 🐠 I'd never heard of this activity until visiting Antigua, but it easily became the highlight of my one-week trip. It's like riding a vacuum through the ocean, and the additional speed lets you cover more ground (or, errr, sea). You can also use the scooter to dive down closer to the sea floor. Our group saw Caribbean reef, tropical fish, sea turtles, manta rays and more. 🐢 A big thanks to @scootersnorkeling for the amazing tour and for taking this video, and to @traverseevents and @antiguaandbarbuda for hosting my trip! #LoveAntiguaBarbuda #WhatCoolLooksLike 🎉 * * *

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