Jessie on a Journey

Scenic Hike in Guadeloupe

What's one thing you do in every place you visit? 🌎 ___ For me, it's hiking. I love exploring the local trails, just losing myself in the scenery. I don't wear headphones or listen to music. Instead, I let the natural beauty -- the kind I don't get to see all the time in NYC -- wash over me, and I let my mind wander, something I also almost never do at home. These are moments when traveling solo that I feel I'm really able to grow my relationship with myself (though, safety note, I do like to choose paths that aren't too remote and that have other people on them). 🥾 ___ The 11-kilometer Trace des Falaises (Trace of the Cliffs) in the Anse-Bertrand commune of Guadeloupe offered just this. Not crowded at all, but I did see some other hikers. The views were stunning, too. Swipe right for a preview! 👉 ___ * * *

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