Lowering Goals for Greater Productivity
When it comes to goal-setting, are you someone who tries to shoot *beyond* your actual goal or a bit less?
I recently listened to an interview featuring Erik Fisher — host of the Beyond the To-Do List Podcast — who suggested that instead of shooting for the moon (which is what most experts tell you to do), you should set a lower goal than what you actually want so that you can then celebrate that win and move forward to accomplish more.
Not only that, but he recommends that people STOP looking at work as an endless list (umm, guilty!) and instead break days up into three time blocks so that you’re getting three main things done and feeling accomplished by that.
Basically, it’s not about being a machine with endless output; it’s about doing less work each day while being intentional about that work and doing it well so that you *actually* finish your to-do list and feel accomplished!
It also makes you wonder if 8-hour workdays are really necessary at all. 😉 Thoughts? #BeyondTheGuidebook