Jessie on a Journey
A breathtaking panoramic view of Austin, Texas skyline rises above a vibrant and colorful graffiti-covered concrete structure in the foreground. The image appears to be taken from a high vantage point, with the skyline stretching across the distance and the graffiti-covered structure occupying the immediate foreground. In the very front, a pair of bare feet can be seen, suggesting the photographer is sitting or lying down, taking in the view. The graffiti art features an array of bold colors, patterns, and shapes, forming a striking contrast against the urban skyline in the background.

Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle in the City

THIS QUOTE MAKES MY PALMS SWEAT. 😰 ****** I have this vivid memory of one particular summer day from my college years. My friend and I were floating in her parent's pool, 🏊and we started talking about the things we wanted in the future. I told her I didn't think I wanted a house or really even to get married -- because I just wanted to travel. ✈️ Her response was that I was "afraid of commitment", but in my mind, I was just addicted to freedom. 👐 ****** Fast-forward to today and I am engaged to my best friend, 💍so mindsets can change. That being said, we don't own a house or car and aren't sure we ever will. To many people this lack of assets may seem like a downside to living in New York 🍎, but right now I’m loving my lean lifestyle (though, let’s be real, I would like an apartment that’s larger than 600-square-feet). 😂 ****** Photo taken in Austin, Texas. #JOJTravelJournal ****** * * *

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