Exploring Outside the 303

Top 5 Tips for New Fulltime Travelers

Tips for New Fulltime Travelers Just like every new thing, it takes time to adjust to it and traveling fulltime is no different. We have been doing this for 2 years and have learned a lot of lessons, some that hard way. Top 5️⃣ Tips for New Fulltime Travelers: ▪️Allow time for adjustment: Adjustment for the reduced space, set up/ tear down, moving days, etc. It will take a few months to get into a groove. ▪️Move locations slowly to start: Start with a slow pace, like moving every week or few weeks to start so you can more easily figure out the routine that works for you and your family. ▪️Include everyone in deciding the activities you plan to do: This helps everyone feel they have a say on what you do as a family. This depends also on the age and personalities of the kids. ▪️Start with a budget in mind: This is not a vacation! This is a lifestyle, there is a difference. Be conscious about what your planning and how much it costs, it's real easy to go overboard with all the touristy things. ▪️Have a shake down trip (or 2): This helps you get comfortable towing, setting up/ tearing down, living in a small space, etc. Of course these are not hard and fast rules. Everyone starts their journey differently These are the things we'd do differently.

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