Exploring Outside the 303

Tips for Homeschooling Older Kids

🌟Tips for homeschooling older kids🌟 Homeschooling at all ages carries its own struggles and blessings. Here are some tips that have helped: 1️⃣ Have your child write the tasks for the week in a calendar or notebook. This is helpful so they know everything needed to be complete. We let our kids choose what order they want to do the work in. 2️⃣ Food! And lots of food options. We have an open snack policy after they have a hearty breakfast. Full bellies help my kids regulate their emotions better. 3️⃣ Listening to their own music or podcast while doing paperwork. This one took a bit of adjustment to implement. How long have you been homeschooling? Follow for more @exploringoutsidethe303

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