Exploring Outside the 303
A young girl with blonde hair is smiling happily while playing outside. She is wearing a pink shirt and is holding a long, slender object, which appears to be a dead snake. Behind her, another girl can be seen playing with toys and other objects scattered on the ground. The scene takes place in a backyard setting, with a wooden fence, a potted plant, and a tree visible in the background. The overall atmosphere is one of childhood innocence and curiosity about the natural world.

Kids Explore Nature: Playing with a Dead Snake

Roadschooling MomentsšŸā  ā  The kids continue to amaze me with what they find while playing and what they choose to play with. Addy and her friends found a dead garder snake by the pond and they decided to play with it šŸ˜µā  ā  After we found out about it, we turned it into a learning lesson about snakes and talked about what they eat, where they live, and what they feel like. I was shocked that the kids, ranging in ages from 4 to 10, all wanted to touch it. Addy wanted to keep it but that that is where I had to draw the line. ā  ā  ā‰ļøHave your kids shocked you with what they find while playing outsideā‰ļøā  ā  ā  ā  Follow us for more roadschooling ā¤µļøā  @exploringoutsidethe303ā  ā 

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